Treatment and clinic rooms

Our practice nursing team provides a wide range of services. These include cervical smears, dressings, immunisations, blood tests, and ear syringing.

We hold a phlebotomy clinic by appointment each morning for blood tests.

We request that all new patients have a health check with our nurses. They are trained to give advice on a wide range of health issues including weight problems, raised blood pressure and prevention of heart disease.

Each year we carry out a flu vaccination campaign. We recommend that all people suffering from heart disease, lung disease (including asthma), diabetes, kidney failure or those on drugs that reduce the body’s resistance to infection should be immunised against influenza every year. If you feel you come into one of these categories then contact us early in September to arrange your appointment.

The nursing team runs clinics for diabetes, and respiratory clinics for asthma, COPD and spirometry. We also run a travel advice and vaccination clinic.

For appointments, please Request an Appointment with a Nurse or Healthcare Assistant.